Welcome to the Traditional Village of Ancient Indigenous Bali

      Desa Cempaga is a village located in banjar district, in buleleng district
The view still has the uniqueness of culture and customs, cultures, sacred dances in the hereditary heritage of the ancestors through the philosophy of religion, villagers cempaga
Strongly uphold the rules and teachings of religion that has been inherited so that customs still look thick and very different from other traditional villages
      The uniqueness of the village cempaga is viewed in terms of sacred dances such as rejang dance in the attraction by small children until adulthood in the tug with fire around starting at night until the morning before sunrise rejang dance in believe by the population as a symbol of worship of the god and to call God at the ceremony of a religious ceremony
      There are 15 rejang dance that is rejang beneh dance, rejang dance playon dance, rejang dance girlie, dance rejang sirig bantas, dance rejang sirig kesamping, embung kelor, galuh, galuh, depe, bengkol, renteng, lilit, legong, unde where dance The rejang of each rejang dance has different meanings

Author by kadek kristilayan