Bali is a place of world tourism, there are 8 districts in Bali, one of which is Buleleng Regency, which is located in the north of Bali. Buleleng has the longest beach on the island of Bali and one of the beaches in Bali which has a dolphin attractiveness. In addition to dolphins on the coast of Buleleng many turtles lay eggs in several areas on the coast of Buleleng, but unfortunately its existence is often disturbed by irresponsible humans, people often take turtle eggs to eat. We, from the foundation, were moved to form a community of turtle conservationists in the Buleleng beach area, which we centered on the Penimbangan beach of Singaraja.
The first step we took was to educate the fishing communities in Buleleng to conserve turtles on the entire beach in Buleleng, the next step is to invite the community to report if there are turtles laying eggs to the local community and then take rescue actions to be brought to turtle breeding in penimbangan beach. This turtle egg breeding place is a shelter for turtle eggs that are found throughout the buleleng. After hatching, turtle eggs will be released together to the free sea.